Most of our clients take our back office software but we also offer complete end to end solutions or you can purchase modules to suit your individual business needs as you grow. We can then further tailor these modules around your business, to make your business more profitable and effective.
Clients, to us are not clients, they are, our partners, and their IT problems, are our IT problems, so we try to help them to get the best out of their IT. Our success is measure by our clients and we have helped many clients grow from a few million pound companies to hundreds/billions of pounds companies.
Efficiency savings
Our back office software helps many of our clients turn a working day (7.5 hours) into half an hour by using our solutions to automate many of their mundane and manual processes. This means that many staff members are 15 times more productive or a 1500% increase in productivity over their competitors every day.
Paperless office
Paper can creates chaos, as well as taking up valuable storage space and in today's world it is no longer acceptable by your customers. We have clients that are virtually paperless. Online applications, Edocs, email, pdf generation, sent out, stored by the system. Copies are kept electronically and even replies to the emails can electronically go into the back office system directly into the correct case without you having to attach these.
Servicing, rates and arrears
Whether you generate redemption statements, Key Facts, Policy Schedules, Esis, MTA, Suitability letters, statement of fact, chase up letters etc, we have advanced Loan Servicing, Policy platforms, Arrears, Claims platforms etc etc so that you can product these documents automatically or at the click of a button.
Website integration and API's
Our website solutions provide advanced integrated web modules, API's, Dynamic application forms, complete broker/client portals, execution only websites, as well as integration with price comparison websites and credit bureaus, so that your website helps your customers choose you. You should never have to settle for less when it comes to your potential.
Reports/management information
We tell our clients that if the data is in the back office system, then they can have a report on it. 85% of the reports we do, can be created within a few hours. The other 15% are advanced reports that could give our clients summary info, quarterly info, graphs/bar charts, as well as the itemised breakdown to prove that the information is correct.
Secure, scalable and robust
We use third party partners to run 1,000's of tests each day to check for vulnerabilities. This is one of the many ways we strive to keep our systems secure. We were working in terabytes 20 years ago (Lloyds of London), which today would be petabytes. The majority of clients will never exceed a few hundred gigabytes. It is good to know that we have systems that can scale as you grow.
Advanced processes
Most businesses can be broken down into simple processes. We have defined these into workflow modules and processes within our systems; this allows our clients to establish prompts, diaries and manage day to day processes, so that nothing gets missed or delayed. Staff teams become more efficient as workflows become more effective.